TITLE:             District Cataloger


1. Training in cataloging both print and non-print resources and/or three to
    five years experience as a cataloger.

2.     One to three years experience with the Chelmsford Public Schools Union Catalog.

3.     Knowledge of skills such as word processing, ALA filing rules, and use and in-depth understanding of current online resources for the purposes of maintaining a district-wide catalog.

4.     Ability to catalog MARC records using advanced technologies.

5.     Demonstrate ability and willingness to learn new skills and technologies

6.     Ability and willingness to work as a member of a cooperative team.

7.     Such alternatives to the above qualifications as may be found appropriate.


REPORTS TO:   Department Head of Libraries

JOB GOAL:  To provide technical leadership in maintenance of the district’s union catalog and in maintaining the integrity of the district’s automated library system by assuring the continued establishment of a database of searchable, authoritative, full, and complete MARC records.


1.     Responsible for cataloging all library materials in all formats for the district schools.

2.     Catalogs print and non-print materials.  Evaluates and classifies materials such as books, sound and video cassettes, kits, and realia.  Items are cataloged according to national standards such as Anglo-American Cataloging Rules (AACR2), the Dewey Decimal System, District cataloging procedures, Library of Congress MARC format, and Sears and Library of Congress subject headings.

3.     Participates in the creation of a bibliographic database that is accurate, complete, and which will provide the best access to, and management of, the library collections.

4.     Performs the addition of materials to the library union catalog through the use of vendor discs and bibliographic utilities.

5.     Performs original cataloging of print and non-print materials according to national standards for use in the district-wide catalog.  Involves evaluation of an item and assigning a Dewey Decimal Classification; translating the bibliographic information into cataloging format; determining the subject headings and assigning them; translating all previous information into digital format (MARC record).

6.     Creates and maintains informational databases for AV equipment.

7.     Assists with maintenance of the Union Catalog which is a district wide database of all library holdings. .

8.     Provides vendor specifications for data disks.

9.     Uses the library automation system to perform copy cataloging from the Library of Congress or from OCLC a computerized international network. Edits such records when necessary.

10.            Identifies problems and seeks resolution with tech support to resolve conflicts or inaccuracies in the catalog or database.

11.            Attaches holdings records to the Union database.

12.            Assists staff and library assistants in locating resources.

13.            Serves as a resource person regarding questions on cataloging and the District- wide databases.

14.            Provides district-wide training and in-service for use of the automated library system.

15.            Creates and customizes reports on the local as well as union collections.

16.            Processes requests for library supplies and the distribution of these supplies to other district

17.            Assists with the inventory of district schools.

18.            Repairs damaged materials which may require taping, new labels, etc.

19.            Processes outdated or damaged materials, including removal of the MARC records of those
     materials from the catalog, stamping and disposing of the same.

20.            Strives to maintain data integrity in all satellite and union databases so as to provide the best
     access of instructional materials to students and teachers.

21.            Provides rush cataloging services, including call number assignment, to speed the addition of
     materials to the collection.

22.            Receives and checks books against invoices to verify accuracy and subsequently release for
     payment all completed purchase orders.

23.            Corrects cataloging errors and resolves conflicts involving inappropriate entries.

24.            Prepares materials that do not come with processing, including preparing and printing labels,
     stamping, covering inputs.

25.            Uses MARC Magician software to more easily check and create accurate cataloging before
     importing the records.

26.            Reviews and upgrades existing catalog copy to conform to current MARC standards.

27.            Processes and checks out interlibrary loans of videos and DVD’s.

28.            Participates in taking inventory of library materials in stock and when needed ordering new
     library supplies.

29.            Maintains records of items cataloged.

30.            Reenters items that were once in the system but may have been marked as “lost” and
     subsequently deleted from the database.

31.            Performs additional responsibilities, tasks, and duties as required.



187 Day Work Year; Exempt Position; Proportional Sick Leave and Personal Days; Commensurate with the Secretaries’ Contract.



The performance of this position will be evaluated annually in writing by the

Department Head of Libraries, in accordance with the provisions of the

District’s Policy on Evaluation of Support Personnel, and will be discussed with the incumbent.  A copy will be filed in the Personnel Office.



APPROVED BY :_____________________________DATE:____________________


REVIEWED AND AGREED TO BY: ______________________________________





