Reuben Hoar Library, Littleton







JOB TITLE: Library Director XE "Library Director"                              JOB GRADE: x


SALARY RANGE:                          MINIMUM       MAXIMUM






CATEGORY:  O&M/Professional



 Professional administrative and supervisory work in directing the activities of a public library; all other related work as required.



Works under the direction of the Board of Trustees.


Performs professional library duties of a complex and responsible nature involving the administration of the library and development of  library services to meet individual and community needs.


Makes frequent contacts with other town departments, school department, civic groups and the public requiring the ability to influence actions and resolve problems.


Supervises approximately three  full time employees and eight part time employees; supervises volunteers.


Has access to department oriented confidential information.


Errors could result in waste of public funds,  misuse of personnel and lower standards of library service for town.


Light and occasional moderate physical effort required in performing duties including carrying and shelving books under typical library conditions.






Library Administration


1. Manages the collection. is responsible for selecting, acquiring, cataloging,  classifying
    and weeding. Provides leadership to collection development team.


2. Maintains and evaluates library computerized system for delivering services to the
    public. Trains staff in use of system.


3. Reports to trustees on a regular basis; prepares agenda and supporting materials for
    trustee meetings; attends trustee meetings; recommends policies to the trustees and
    implements  those approved; writes periodic reports as required by trustees and
    governmental bodies.


4. Maintains confidentiality of registration information.


5. Safeguards freedom from censorship of library materials; implements the materials
    selection policy so that differing points of view on controversial Issues are represented.


          6. Ensures that furnishings, equipment and supplies are available and in proper condition.
              Reports problems with the building to the proper authorities.

7. Acts as liaison between the library and the state and regional libraries; attends regional
   meetings and workshops. Maintains current awareness and contacts with other libraries
   by belonging to and attending meetings of  professional organizations.


Service to the Public


1. Assists and encourages patrons in using the library resources.


2. Arranges for service to patrons unable to come to the library, as time and finances


3. Plans and executes programs to encourage library use as finances permit


Personnel Management


1. Responsible for staff management  Delegates authority where appropriate. Hires,
    trains, motivates, and supervises the staff


2. Plans and organizes staff services and activities.

3. Evaluates staff performance.

Financial Management

1. Prepares the yearly operating budget, expends budgeted funds, and keeps financial
    records as required by law, by the town accountant, and by trustees.


2. Notifies trustees of grant moneys available, and applies for those grants selected by


Public Relations


1. Serves as an advocate for the library among the public, trustees and other town
    officials and organizations


2. Publicizes the services available at the library and encourages their use through
    newspaper articles, speeches, displays and special events.  Acquaints non-users with
    library services.

3. Encourages an active Friends of the Library organization.


1. Makes optimal use of available resources, both financial-- town, trust, and grant
    money -- and human -- staff and volunteers.


2. Works to further the goals and objectives of the library determined by the library's long
    range plan; and the trustees.  Oversees updating of long range plan.




Education and Experience


Masters degree in Library Science with five years progressively responsible experience In library administration. State certification by Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners.


Knowledge, Ability and Skill


Thorough knowledge of the principles and practices of professional library work and of the organization and management of library operations including administration, personnel and finance. Ability to write and administer grants. Ability to direct the work of professionals and  paraprofessionals.  Ability to meet and deal with people effectively and appropriately.  Ability to communicate clearly, both verbally and in writing. Excellent planning and organizational skills.  Broad interest in learning and literature. Ability to understand, operate, and troubleshoot computer systems and associated related software.


From Dictionary of Occupational Titles:

"100.117-010 LIBRARY DIRECTOR (library) alternate titles: librarian, head

Plans and administers program of library services: Submits recommendations on library policies and services to governing body, such as board of directors or board of trustees, and implements policy decisions. Analyzes, selects, and executes recommendations of personnel, such as department chiefs or branch supervisors. Coordinates activities of branch or departmental libraries. Analyzes and coordinates departmental budget estimates and controls expenditures to administer approved budget. Reviews and evaluates orders for books and audiovisual materials. Examines trade publications and materials, interviews publishers' representatives, and consults with others to select materials. Administers personnel regulations, interviews and appoints job applicants, rates staff performance, and promotes and discharges employees. Plans and conducts staff meetings and participates in community and professional meetings to discuss and act on library problems. Delivers book reviews and lectures to publicize library activities and services. Provides library public relations services. May examine and select materials to be discarded, repaired, or replaced. May be designated according to governmental subdivision served as City-Library Director (library); County-Library Director (library).
GOE: 11.07.04 STRENGTH: S GED: R6 M4 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 81 "


Physical Demands: Strength = Sedentary (1 on a scale of 1 to 5)

GED: Reasoning = 6 ( on a scale of 1 to 6)    Same level as a State Director of Revenue or College Professor

Mathematical = 3 (on a scale of 1 to 6)  Same level as City Manager, Police Chief

Language = 5 or 6 (both are the same) Same level as City Manager, Police Chief is a 4


From MA Board of Library Commissioners FY1998 Annual Report Information Survey Instructions, Definitions for Position Classifications, pg. 12:


           Library Director - Head of a library or library system