In the interview, we will hear from Cathy Piantigini, Director of Libraries for the Somerville Public Library, about the renovation of the West Branch Library in Davis Square. This post is part of a series of blog interviews and videos highlighting how libraries in Massachusetts have taken steps to increase accessibility to their library facilities and resources. This post supports MLS Strategic Plan FY24 Initiative 3, Goal 2.

How did you identify the need to renovate the library?

Cathy Piantigini: The West Branch Library had suffered for a very long time. In many respects the situation was like The Giving Tree in that the library provided so much for so many in the neighborhood, yet it had never received any significant care since it was built in 1909. The lack of an elevator, accessible entrances and HVAC system meant it never could serve all of the people who wanted to go there, and eventually that led to a reduction of programs and services. It was the hard work of many library supporters that led to a commitment from the city to improve accessibility and provide the necessary upgrades and improvements for the library to meet the needs of its users. There was a very robust community process that included several public meetings where neighbors, library users, trustees and other stakeholders got to weigh in and advocate for what was important to them, and the library also received partial funding in the form of a grant from Somerville’s Community Preservation Act.

What changes did you make to the building and grounds to improve accessibility?

Cathy: A small expansion that created a new, accessible main entrance and space to install an elevator, accessible bathrooms, and accessible side entrance. There was also beautiful landscaping and hardscape installed around the building to create spaces for people to spend time outside, and for the librarians to use for programs.

How have the improvements in accessibility affected your services?

Cathy: We can offer more unique programming that doesn’t have to mirror what is being offered at our other locations. The building also has the ability to be used after hours, meaning there is a section that can be accessed that is separate from the main part of the library. This came in handy in February 2023, when the library served as an overnight shelter for the homeless during a weekend of unprecedented cold.

How has your community responded to the renovation and improved accessibility?

West had always been a well-loved library and is even more so now! So many more people linger at the West Branch and are using it for more than a place to pick up reserves. Circulation and program attendance increased dramatically, and our visitors truly represent the diversity Somerville is known for. It’s wonderful.

What advice would you offer to other libraries interested in a construction project?

The more people you can get on board, the better. It truly takes a village. Everyone from your Trustees and Friends group to library patrons of all ages and backgrounds, to abutters and business owners, community groups and city officials. Everyone in the pool!

Interview with Cathy Piantigini (she/her), Director of Libraries, Somerville Public Library

Interviewed by Michelle Eberle (she/her), Consultant, Massachusetts Library System