In this month’s news and updates:

MLS Member Annual Meeting Registration and Keynote Speaker Details

We are thrilled to welcome Megan Piphus, famed puppeteer and ventriloquist, as the keynote speaker at our 2024 Member Annual Meeting! Megan taught herself puppetry and ventriloquism by watching VHS tapes that her mother checked out at the library. She spent her teenage years traveling the nation singing and performing ventriloquism at schools and churches.

Since 2020, Megan has played the role of Gabrielle, a 6-year-old black girl Muppet, on Sesame Street. After training for a year to learn Muppet-style puppetry with the cast of Sesame Street, Megan became the first black female puppeteer to perform on Sesame Street in September of 2021.

All staff at MLS member libraries are invited to join us on Monday, October 28 at the Devens Common Center.

We look forward to sharing more details about our event soon. Until then, learn more and register online.

MLS Member Webinars

We are delighted to announce the launch of MLS Member Webinars, a new initiative encouraging you to share your knowledge and expertise with fellow MLS members.

Webinar presenters will gain valuable presenting experience, as well as personalized resources and coaching, and a $250 stipend.

Webinar submissions are open from September 1 – November 1, 2024. For our first round of MLS Member Webinars, we are looking for up to four webinars to be presented from mid-March to mid-May, 2025.

Anyone who works in an MLS member library is eligible to submit a webinar proposal. Search the MBLC Library Database to check if your library is an MLS member.

More details, including important dates, FAQs, information on what we’re looking for in a webinar, and the submission form are available on the MLS Member Webinars LibGuide.

This initiative supports Initiative 1, Goal 1 of the MLS Strategic Plan and responds to the Training Needs Assessment we conducted this spring, which highlighted MLS members’ desire to learn from other members.

Please contact MLS Consultant Jane Stimpson at with questions.

Registration for Fall Workshops Now Open!

We are excited to bring you our 2024 fall workshops facilitated by MLS consultants! Check out our full lineup and register for a session by following the links below.

We also encourage you to subscribe to the Learning Services Digest! This weekly email returns this fall and will list the relevant training opportunities available to staff at MLS member libraries.

Subscribe to the Digest by checking the “Training and Professional Development Offerings” box on the signup form!

Recycle That Instruction!

With Anna Popp

This is an introductory level workshop for all library staff who provide group user instruction and want to work smarter, not harder. In this workshop, we will repurpose existing learning plans to meet our unique needs and resources. After that, we will practice how to draft a learning plan that you will be proud to share.


  • Friday, October 11 – MLS Northampton Office
  • Thursday, October 24 – Virtual
  • Thursday, November 7 – MLS Marlborough Office
  • Monday, November 25 – Virtual

Register on LibCal.

Unlock the Potential of Asset Mapping in Libraries

With Michelle Eberle

Discover how to map your community’s strengths and resources to discover people’s talents, build relationships, and guide conversations that shape a community-led library. We will explore Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) tools that your library can use for community engagement and strategic planning.


  • Friday, November 8 – Virtual
  • Thursday, November 14 – Virtual
  • Friday, November 22 – Virtual
  • Thursday, December 5 – Virtual

Register on LibCal.

Supercharged Storytimes Crash Course

With Christi Farrar

This “crash course” will give youth services library staff an overview of the foundational early literacy concepts behind the Supercharged Storytimes approach, as developed by Saroj Ghoting. Through exploring research findings, viewing storytime examples, and participating in activities, participants will learn about the early literacy skills children need and how to intentionally integrate them into their own storytime practice.


  • Tuesday, November 26 – Virtual
  • Monday, December 2 – Virtual
  • Tuesday, December 3 – MLS Marlborough Office
  • Thursday, December 12 – MLS Northampton Office

Register on LibCal.

Speak Up: Public Speaking and Presentation Skills for Library Staff

With Jane Stimpson

Enhance your public speaking and presentation skills for a variety of audiences and formats through this dynamic course. You will gain practical strategies to boost your confidence, effectively engage your audience, and design inclusive visuals. By the end of the course, you will be prepared to deliver a compelling speech on a topic of your choice, supported by personalized feedback and peer support.


Please note: this is not a one-time workshop or webinar. Due to high demand and to benefit all participants, your full commitment to this 7-week online course is essential. See the requirements for more information.

  • You will attend two required online synchronous meetings:
    • When you register, you will choose one date for each of the following online meetings.
      • Kick-off meeting:
        • Monday, October 7, 2 – 3 p.m.
        • Wednesday, October 9, 7 – 8 p.m.
      • Closing Meeting:
        • Monday, November 18, 2 – 4 p.m.
        • Wednesday, November 20, 7 – 9 p.m.
      • You will log into the course regularly and spend 1 – 2 hours each week completing asynchronous work

Register on LibCal.

ALA Webinars Now Available for Members

MLS will begin providing access to live webinars from the American Library Association (ALA) at no cost to MLS members. Free access starts with ALA’s September live webinars.

  • To receive free access to these live webinars, you must register through the MLS events calendar. If you register directly with ALA, your registration will not be paid by MLS.
  • If you are unable to attend an ALA webinar, be sure to cancel your registration. ALA charges MLS for each registration, so canceling your registration will help us keep these live webinars free to you.
  • This announcement only applies to ALA’s live webinars. If you are interested in taking an ALA eCourse, please see our ALA eCourse grant LibGuide page.

Registration for ALA’s remaining 2024 live webinars is now open on the MLS events calendar.

As a reminder, MLS also provides free access to live webinars from LibraryWorks and PCI Webinars.

Check out our new Webinar Vendors LibGuide page to learn more about free access to live webinars hosted by well-known library webinar vendors.

Free access to these live webinars is only available to MLS members.

This project is part of MLS’ continuing commitment to expanding our learning offerings for all levels of library staff in all types of member libraries. It supports Initiative 1, Goal 3 and Initiative 2, Goal 2 of the MLS Strategic Plan, and it responds to the Training Needs Assessment we conducted last fiscal year.

You can read about our Training Needs Assessment in our January and May 2024 newsletter articles. Thank you to everyone who participated!

Please note: MLS will not be posting webinars from United for Libraries (an ALA Division for library supporters, such as trustees, advocates, friends, and foundations). The Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners (MBLC) has a Statewide Group Membership that already allows all Massachusetts library staff and supporters to access those webinars without cost. See MBLC’s Trustees: United for Libraries Statewide Group Membership LibGuide page for details.

Register for the MHEC EXPO

This September 19, unlock the full potential of your MHEC membership at the annual EXPO! Explore a vast range of suppliers showcasing their products and services. Gain valuable insights on how to leverage MHEC contracts and transform your budget into a powerhouse for your library.

The MLS team will have a table at the EXPO! We can’t wait to see you there.

Register today!

 About Your MHEC Benefits

Your library is more than just books. It’s a hub of knowledge, community, and resources. And while your dedicated staff and captivating collections are undeniably crucial, there’s another powerful tool at your disposal: MHEC.

As an MLS member, you likely know MHEC as a valuable partner for acquiring books, media, supplies, and digital tools. But did you know that MHEC can do even more to bolster your library’s budget?

Think beyond the bookshelves. MHEC offers a powerful suite of contracts encompassing everything your library needs to operate efficiently. From cutting-edge technology to reliable plumbing and heating systems, to comfortable furniture for your patrons, MHEC has negotiated deals with top suppliers to significantly reduce your library’s operational expenses.

To learn more, visit the Purchasing Cooperative LibGuide.

Save the Date for the Teen Summit!

Save the date for the annual Teen Summit! This year’s event takes place on Friday, November 15 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

This free, virtual conference is for library staff working with teens and will feature authors, best practices, program ideas, and more! More information, including the registration link, will be posted soon.

Visit the LibCal event page for more details.

2024 Summer Impact & Feedback Survey

Please take a moment to fill out our 2024 Summer Impact & Feedback Survey. This short survey will give us useful information for determining how MLS supports libraries during the Summer Library Program. We also want to hear your impact stories and successes!

The survey will be open until September 15, and two lucky libraries will be selected to get a prize pack of new books!

Notable Conference Sessions & Other Highlights from the PLA Conference

In our final Public Library Association (PLA) Conference Scholarship article, we share scholarship recipients’ comments about conference sessions and other highlights.

Read our full blog post to learn more!

A Visit to the Woburn Public Library

On August 21, several members of MLS’ Consulting & Training Services Department visited the Woburn Public Library (WPL) for a tour and to hold a department meeting.

We learned about the history of the original building and explored the Historic Artifacts Room, the Teen Room, the Maker Space, the Archives, and the Children’s Room.

Thank you to Circulation Supervisor Suzanne Bouthillette for leading our tour and to the entire WPL staff for welcoming us to the library!

The Woburn Public Library. Floor to ceiling bookshelves and rows of tables in the center. Floor to ceiling bookshelves and a small bookshelf in the center. A room with glass cases full of historical documents and artifacts. Paintings line the room above the cases. A room with small bookshelves and a painted mural. A door leading to the Archives Room with glass cases full of artifacts to the side. Rows of bookcases in the library's Children's Room.