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In this month’s news and updates…

Last Call for Consultant Job Applications

Applications for the open Consultant position close this Sunday, March 2 at 5 p.m.!

This Consultant will provide consulting services and learning opportunities to MLS member libraries across the Commonwealth on topics primarily related to leadership and management.

To be considered for this Consultant position, please email a cover letter, resume, and three professional references to employment@masslibsystem.org. Your cover letter should clearly indicate that you are applying for the Leadership & Management Consultant position and should also address your qualifications for this position.

Visit our job listing to learn more about the position and how to apply. You can also view a general Consultant position description for more details.

Register for Spring Learning Opportunities

Text in front of a spring background reading: "Spring 2025 Learning Lineup. Register Today!"We are excited to announce our spring 2025 learning lineup! Below is a list of upcoming learning opportunities with links to register.

MLS Consultant-Led Workshops (online and in-person)

MLS consultants lead interactive, participatory 2-hour workshops where you will be able to have discussions with colleagues, engage in learning activities, and practice using your new knowledge.

Workshops take place both online (via Zoom) and in-person at our Marlborough and Northampton offices:

Cohort-Based Programs (takes place over multiple weeks or months)

MLS consultants also lead cohort-based courses, which are guided by an instructor and take place over multiple weeks or months. These courses foster collaboration among participants while providing direct support and expertise from the instructor. Your full commitment to the course is essential.

Be sure you can commit to the meeting dates and work expectations before registering:  

    • Takes place over 7 weeks
    • Takes place over 7 months

Other Learning Opportunities

Visit the Learning Services LibGuide to explore other learning opportunities!

We also encourage you to subscribe to the Learning Services Digest! This weekly email lists relevant learning opportunities available to staff at MLS member libraries.

Subscribe to the Digest by checking the “Training and Professional Development Offerings” box on the signup form!

BiblioTemps Celebrates 20 Years of Library Staffing Solutions!

Text reading: "BiblioTemps. Massachusetts Library System. 20th Anniversary Report."For two decades, BiblioTemps has been a trusted resource for libraries across Massachusetts, connecting skilled library workers with temporary and permanent opportunities. Since our founding in 2004, we have placed hundreds of library workers in roles that support and strengthen communities.

To mark this milestone, we released a 20th Anniversary Report, reflecting on our impact and looking ahead to the future. Here are just a few highlights:

A History of Growth: What started as a small initiative has expanded into a statewide staffing solution, helping libraries navigate the challenges of hiring.

Making a Difference: One of our interviewees shared, “What makes BiblioTemps different is the personalized approach. I never felt like just another name on a list. The BiblioTemps team put real effort into helping me move forward.”

Career Development: Since its relaunch as an MLS service in 2012, BiblioTemps has helped more than 30 library workers transition from temporary placements to permanent roles, launching rewarding careers in the library field.

As one participant shared, “This experience has been a solid foundation for my career growth. I’ve gained valuable skills and insights that I can take with me into future roles.”

Join us in celebrating 20 years of success! Read the full report to explore more stories and insights.

Library Summit on Social Cohesion: Registration Filling Quickly

Text reading: "Register Now! Library Summit on Social Cohesion. April 11. bit.ly/LibraryCohesion2025."Registration is quickly filling for the Library Summit on Social Cohesion!

Join us on Friday, April 11 at the Devens Common Center for a nourishing day for library staff to strengthen relationships within our profession and to support our important role fostering social connection in our communities.

The theme of our event is: Together We Thrive: Libraries as Catalysts for Social Cohesion.

By the end of the summit, participants will be able to:

  • Describe how librarians can foster social connections in their communities.
  • Discuss strategies to strengthen library staff wellbeing and collective care.
  • Apply a 4-step process to develop a relationship-driven library.

Register for the Library Summit on Social Cohesion today!

MLS is hosting this event in collaboration with the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners (MBLC) and Simmons University School of Library and Information Science.

Delivery Survey Details

Text reading: "Delivery. Massachusetts Library System."It’s that time again! Delivery Survey Week is March 10-14.

We need your help! MLS is collecting statistics from all member libraries who receive Delivery. This survey will be used to capture Delivery statistics, including bins put into Delivery, bins delivered, and items put into Delivery.

Visit our LibGuide for Delivery Survey information.

If you have any questions, email delivery@masslibsystem.org.

Did You Know About Library Liaisons?

Looking for a direct connection to MLS? Contact your library liaison!

Each MLS consultant serves as a liaison to a number of libraries across the Commonwealth. Your library liaison is your personal connection to MLS. Your library liaison can:

  • Provide you and your library’s staff with an overview of MLS programs and services.
  • Visit your library to learn about your library’s goals, needs, challenges, and successes.
  • Provide you with consulting services or refer you to another MLS consultant.
  • Connect you to other organizations or member libraries.
  • Connect you to other MLS staff members.
    • If you already know who to contact at MLS, you are welcome to contact that person directly. You do not need to go through your library liaison.
    • If you do not know who to contact at MLS, your library liaison can put you in contact with the right MLS staff member.

MLS library liaisons serve all library types: academic, public, school, and special.

Got a question? Find your liaison by visiting the Library Liaisons LibGuide.

Visit the MLS Booth at the MSLA Conference!

Stop by our booth at the Massachusetts School Library Association (MSLA) Conference on Sunday, March 2 and Monday, March 3!

Our staff is available to answer your questions about membership benefits and MLS services.

We are giving away two bundles of children’s books each day, so visit our booth before 2 p.m. on Sunday and Monday to learn how to enter our giveaway!