photo of Project SET participant Katie Beth RyanIntroducing Katie Beth Ryan! She is the Information Literacy Librarian at Shea Memorial Library, American International College. Recently we had a chance to ask Katie what attracted her to Project SET.

“I first became interested in Project SET after hearing about the experiences a colleague from Springfield Technical Community College had in the program. It was the perfect opportunity to build upon the teaching and presentation skills I developed in library school and have practiced in my first year on the job at AIC. The opportunity to meet librarians who work in a variety of library environments across Massachusetts, and having the chance to research a library issue that interests me, also drew me to Project SET.

I’ve already received some great ideas for my work from our initial SET sessions, and I value the time spent collaborating with fellow librarians. I am hopeful to emerge from Project SET with strengthened teaching, presentation, and leadership skills, and I am looking forward to the MLS annual meeting in November.”

Want to see the final projects of our past Project SET participants? Check it out at