Farewell and Best Wishes to Oscar Lanza-Galindo


Photo of Oscar Lanza-Galindo.Oscar Lanza-Galindo will depart from his role as a consultant with the Massachusetts Library System (MLS) on January 31, 2025. We thank Oscar for his quality service to our members since he joined in 2023. During his time at MLS, Oscar facilitated several Community Chats, workshops, strategic planning sessions, and trainings for MLS member library staff. Among other topic areas, his work focused on leadership development and strategic planning.

Some of Oscar’s accomplishments included co-producing an accessibility and inclusion video project, coordinating HR workshops with the Employers Association of the NorthEast (EANE), and exploring and building an infrastructure for a library staff leadership development program.

We will miss Oscar and wish him the best of luck as he begins a new role as Dean of Library Services at Holyoke Community College.