In this months News and Updates:

Mass. Library System Annual Meeting

Our 2022 Annual Meeting will be held in person at the Devens Commons Center in Devens, MA on Monday, November 7, 2022.

Register here

Join us for a day of connections, learning, and interactions with colleagues and speakers. More details forthcoming; morning coffee, pastries, and lunch will be served.

The agenda will include our annual business meeting and vote, updates from the MA Library System, MA Board of Library Commissioners, and MA Library Association.

We’re pleased to welcome two speakers to our meeting:

  • Michael Bobbitt, Executive Director of the MA Cultural Council
  • Cynthia Leitich Smith, NYT bestselling author, Muscogee Citizen, and NSD Neustadt Laureate

More information, including our Business Meeting Packet and agenda, will be announced in the coming weeks.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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October Delivery Survey

It’s that time again! Delivery Survey Week October 17-21

MLS is collecting delivery statistics from all member libraries who receive delivery. Information on how delivery is used help us determine how to allocate funding during our planning and budgeting process. This survey will be used to capture delivery statistics, including bins put into delivery, bins delivered and items put into delivery.

For Delivery Survey information click here:

If you have any questions email

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Fall Professional Development Offerings

We are excited to announce our Fall 2022 training lineup.  Below is a list of upcoming workshops with links to register.

MLS Consultant Led Trainings (online and in-person)

This season the MLS consultants will be offering online and in-person learning opportunities at our Marlborough and Northampton offices:

Community Chats (online)

Connect with and learn from your colleagues across the Commonwealth at our virtual community chats.  MLS consultants offer chats on a variety of topics:

Youth Services (online)

  • iREAD Summer 2023 Informational Webinar (Nov. 9 @ 11 am – 12 pm)
  • Teen Summit: Save the date!  Teen Summit will be held on Nov. 18, from 9 am – 3 pm.  This virtual, free event focused on teen services in libraries is brought to you by the Massachusetts Library System, Rhode Island Office of Library and Information Services, and Connecticut State Library, and supported by the state libraries of Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont.

Library Webinar Vendors (online)

We continue to work with two nationally known vendors of library webinars: PCI Webinars and LibraryWorks.  MLS members can attend their webinars for free by registering through MLS’s events calendar.  To see which webinars we are offering from these vendors, click on the links below:

Additional information about our trainings can be found on the MLS events calendar.  Be sure to check back periodically as we are continuing to post additional learning opportunities.

If you would like to receive occasional emails with information about our training program, please join our mailing list (be sure to check off “Training and professional development offerings”).

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Orientation Session for School Librarians

Wednesday November 2, 2022, 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM

Are you a new school librarian at a MLS member library? Are you a seasoned school librarian in need of a refresher? Would you like to know how your school can become a member of our organization? Then this session is for you. Please join us for an orientation session that is just for school libraries! We will discuss what it means to be a school member of the Massachusetts Library System, describe our flagship services and programs offered to school libraries, as well as other programs and services of interest. Bring your questions! This session is open to all librarians at MLS member schools as well as any schools that may be interested in MLS membership. This session will be recorded.

Register Here

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Library Website Redesign Series:

Gearing up to redesign your website?  Wondering where to start? Looking for advice about the process?  These interviews are part of a series from MLS Consultant Michelle Eberle featuring a variety of approaches that Massachusetts public libraries have used to redesign their websites.

Featuring the Cary Memorial Library

Featuring the Fall River Public Library

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