Introducing Eva Thaler-Sroussi ! She is the Children’s Programming Librarian at Needham Free Public Library. Recently we asked Eva to share her Project SET experiences.
How did you become aware of Project SET, and what elements drew you to the program?
April Mazza, MLS Consultant, mentioned the program in an MLS Summer Reading Program Workshop. I was intrigued by the opportunity to further develop my presentation and other skills, learn about current trends, and meet colleagues practicing librarianship in all types of libraries to develop a professional network and further my personal and career growth.
What are your first impressions of the program and its intended outcomes?
I was immediately impressed by the quality and structure of the program. We have been provided with the opportunity to learn new skills from experts, do research on emerging trends, practice our new skills, and reflect together. All of these opportunities definitely met and exceeded my expectations and the intended outcomes as described in the SET Program materials.
Project SET begins each year with a study of trends currently impacting libraries. Of the trends you’ve learned about which one do you feel will have the biggest impact on your library and why?
I think that collective impact and integration of digital and technology programming and services are both important trends that will impact my library. Because our community is facing larger societal issues the library can and has played a central role in collaborating with other community organizations to come up with shared solutions. Our library developed a STEAM center in partnership with the local schools’ Science Center in order to address certain gaps in the school district curriculum. Our community is also very interested in learning about and using new technology, as a result, long-term plans include purchasing new technology items, and programs to meet those emerging needs.
Want to know more about Project SET? Visit our LibGuide!